Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Does Texting Affect Writing Essay - 1392 Words

Does Texting Affect Writing: A Critical Analysis of the Influence of Text Speak in Student’s Writing We as a society are evolving with each generation to come. We are getting stronger, faster, and smarter. Just as cell phones are no longer square blocks with numbers on them and TV’s are not in black and white, writing itself has also evolved. Once upon a time many wrote and spoke in a Shakespearean form of language and over the years it has evolved into something we call modern English. In recent years, technology has advanced greatly and cell phones have become one of our primary use of communication. With cell phones came a new form of writing called text messaging. Text messaging is used to send short, concise messages to anyone around the world. Often times text messages involve the use of abbreviations which stand for different things and also involves frequent use of emoji’s as a form of expression. This form of writing is now considered informal writing and is not acceptable in academic settings. In Michaela Cullington’s essay â€Å"Does Texting Affect W riting?† she touches on both sides of whether texting is hindering students writing or if it’s actually having a positive effect. She then makes is clear that she believes most students are educated enough to know when text speak is appropriate and when it’s not so therefore it has no effect on students. Although, I agree with her thesis, she lacks credibility due to her insufficient evidence. In addition, I also believeShow MoreRelatedDoes Texting Affect Writing By Michaela Cullington739 Words   |  3 PagesPatrick Angyal English 1013 September 6, 2017 Summary Essay In Michaela Cullington’s essay titled, â€Å"Does Texting Affect Writing?† the author tests the ongoing question of how today’s youth handles the effects of texting in the education system. Using successful evidence from both sides of the argument as well as participating in her own experiment, Cullington is able to fully demonstrate how texting does not interfere with today’s students and their abilities to write formally in the classroom. To openRead MoreThe Effects Of Texting On Teens And Their Writing886 Words   |  4 PagesIn recent discussion of, â€Å"Does Texting Affects Writing† by Michaela Cullington, one view is that texting has a negative impact on teens and their writing. Cullington shows both sides of what students, teachers, and professors have to say about the issue of texting; yet after research this belief may not prove to be true. Then she writes about personal experience regarding the issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Text has become one of the most common ways teenagers communicate with others. This led to many people believingRead MoreComment and Response to Texting and Writing by Michaela Cullington691 Words   |  3 PagesComment and Response to Texting and Writing by Michaela Cullington After reading Texting and Writing, by Michaela Cullington, I do not agree with many of her viewpoints. Cullington argues that texting does not affect a students writing. Textspeak, the abbreviation and shortening of words like used when writing a text message, does affect the way a student writes because they use the abbreviations, and their writings tend to lack punctuation. When a writer uses excessive abbreviations on a regularRead MoreHow Texting Affects Teen Literacy1624 Words   |  7 Pages How Texting Affects Teen Literacy When most people think about teen literacy, they refer to texting. Most people think that texting harms teenagers, but in reality it does not. Text messaging is perhaps one of the things people do most daily, especially teenagers. These days teens are nearly inseparable from their phones. Teenagers are growing with an increasing rate with these cell phones. Teens depend on their cell phones to get through day to day things dealing with personal and professionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Texting On Children s Children1120 Words   |  5 Pagestool to a social tool (Marilyn, 2005). Texting is such an important communicate channel for teenagers, but what does texting mean exactly? Texting is an action which describes not using proper English grammar to send messages. Data suggest, 63% of all teens said they exchange text messages with other people every day. Until today, this trend is still continue developing. The most teenagers all said they cannot leave text in lives (Kuehn, 2012), doe s it affect school-aged children in literacy? AbsolutelyRead MoreTexting And Teen Literacy : Understanding And Knowing How Texting Affects Literacy Overall, Particularly With Teenagers1206 Words   |  5 PagesTexting and Teen Literacy My personal interest in researching this topic is understanding and knowing how texting affects literacy overall, especially with teenagers. I know that communication has evolved and as we move forward with technology, there are/will be positive and negative results that will arise and affect our daily and normal lives in how we communicate This will affect not only our day-to-day communication but also in how we learn. I would like to know more about this topic becauseRead MoreTechnology And Technology1027 Words   |  5 Pages An example of this scenario, is the essay â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† by author Nicholas Carr where he talks about how the Net is becoming a bigger part of our lives, and how it is consuming our minds. Another example, is the essay â€Å"Does Texting Affect Writing?† by author Michaela Cullington where she discusses how many teachers and professors believe text messaging has affected many students in their ability to write. One reason why I believe new technology is a threat to our brains is becauseRead MoreTexting : How It Is Ruining The English Language?989 Words   |  4 PagesLanguage Texting is a convenient little invention; one can just send small messages to his or her friends with the push of a few buttons. It is a fast and effortless way to communicate, but has anyone thought of the potential harmful effects of texting? Sure, people think about the messages that were taken the wrong way, or messages meant to be insignificant, but what is the worst thing that can happen? What about the destruction of an entire language? People think nothing of texting because theyRead MoreInfluence of Texting on Literacy847 Words   |  4 Pagescountries own smart phones that have the ability to send and receive text messages. Texting, short messaging services, has existed since the early 1990s and today, 64% of teenagers in the United States participate in texting. Psychologists from various universities such as Coventry University and University of Tasmania have composed studies to establish if texting does, in fact, have an affect on literacy. Texting and literacy have been shown to be linked in these various studies and articles. TodayRead MoreMobile Phones And Its Impact On The Way1559 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s world you cannot go anywhere without seeing at least one person attached to their cell phone texting. This day and age sending a text is the quickest and most efficient form of communication. The Berkman Center for Internet Society at Harvard University found that (78%) of teens now have a cell phone and almost half (47%) of those teens have smartphones. That translates into (37%) of all teens who have cellphones, up from just (23%) in 2011(Madden). Today, people tend to use their

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