Thursday, December 26, 2019

Both Sides of Stem Cell Research Essay - 889 Words

Stem Cell Research Paper Stem cell research has been quite a controversial topic since its origin in the 1960s by Gopal Das and Joseph Altman. Of course, anything that uses a human embryo would be. Stem cell research could open a vast number of new doors for modern science, it could let us test new drugs, one of which could be the unfound cure for AIDS or Alzheimer’s disease. However, this branch of science comes at a high price, the price of a human life that is only five to six days old (NIH). It is quite nearly impossible to take a stand in this argument from an unbiased viewpoint. What is a stem cell? A stem cell is an unspecialized cell, meaning it is not a heart, brain, or any other type of cell that has a special purpose,†¦show more content†¦Pluripotent stem cells are just like Totipotent cells, but they can only become cell derived from the three germ layers, which contain over 200 specialized cells. Multipotent stem cells can only become blood cells, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. Unipotent stem cells can only transform into one type of tissue or specialized cell, but it can divide over and over again (Wikipedia). These embryonic stem cells can divide again and again through mitosis (a type of cell division in all body parts except reproductive parts). Medical specialists and leading scientists conclude, that these cells could help cure as many as seventy-three diseases, which up to now were thought incurable (NIH). The controversy due to embryonic stem cells is quite debatable. Both sides present many strong reason s that prove their point, but it is still, frankly, nearly impossible to take a stand from an unbiased view. This is the first study showing that embryonic stem cells can be used for brain and spinal cord repair in an animal model of a human neurological disease, said researcher Oliver BrÃ… ¸stle (a neuropathologist at the University of Bonn in Germany) referring to the study done on rats (CNN). Just like Oliver BrÃ… ¸stle many scientists around the world agree that embryonic stem cell show much welcomed hope of cure of spinal and brain repair. In addition to healing spinal and brain injuries, the embryonic stem cells can also treat diabetes, a disease which 54%Show MoreRelatedEssay about Embryonic Stem Cell Research1357 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cell research is a highly controversial topic in todays society, this kind of stem cell commits to regenerate any type of tissue. Unfortunately, Embryonic Stem Cell Research has a dark side. To obtain these cells will kill the embryo automatically. 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