Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Man Vs. Food Fast Food Can Contribute To Childhood Obesity

Man vs. Food: Fast Food Can Contribute to Childhood Obesity The United States of America has always been a safe and well-constructed country. Over the past years, it has tried to progress in numerous ways. However, America is suffering daily from obesity issues that can be prevented. America is becoming uncontrollable when it comes down to the consumption of too much fast food. When fast food was introduced to Americans, it had many advantages. These advantages have suddenly converted into disadvantages that affect the body. Obesity has been around for decades. It continues to threaten many Americans. The obesity rate is steadily increasing and Americans are not taking precautions in preventing this disease. Even though fast food is†¦show more content†¦Most people choose fast food restaurants because they are more convenient, less time consuming, and easily accessible. The fast food restaurants â€Å"make it ever more likely that one may conveniently pull the car into a burger joint and dig in† (Knopp 1.) The consumption of food eaten away from home has risen enormously. Many studies show that â€Å"eating out may lead to excess calorie intake and increase the risk of obesity because of large portion sizes and increased density of foods† (â€Å"Obesity and Fast Food,†2017). America’s obesity rate has increased significantly in most cities and neighborhoods because of local fast food restaurants and stores. Commonly, people who live closer to fast food restaurants consume more fast food than those living farther away. The fast food â€Å"association has been found between the density of neighborhood fast food restaurants, the number of residents per restaurant, state obesity rates, and the residents who reside in areas possessing a higher relative number of fast food outlets to full-service restaurants and a higher weight status† (Fuzhong 204). Fast food can fall into many categories of being classified as unhealthy. They are normally considered â€Å"high in calories, fats, saturated and trans saturated fats, sugars, simple carbohydrates, and high in sodium† (â€Å"Obesity and Fast Food,† 2017). According to Christina Knopp, the average person weight has risen to 157 pounds, this increase has been seen mainly in menShow MoreRelatedFuture Generation Program For Obese Children ( Fgpoc )2512 Words   |  11 PagesObesity Children Program Future Generation Program For Obese Children (FGPOC) John Samameâ€Æ' Abstract Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the cause of the growth in rural and suburb area. By using children in the investigation, it can help determine the root of the epidemic disease. In order to investigate further in children one needs to device a program. The main idea of this program is to reduce Obesity in further generation. 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