Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Contextual analysis Example The proposed difference in technique has the accompanying outcomes: the fixed costs will increment to (1,053,000 + 585,000) = $ 1,638,000. Second, the new normal commitment edge = (0.25*0.5) + (0.25*0.1) + (0.1 * 0.5) + (0.4 * 0.8) = 0.52. Subsequently, the all out eatery deals to accomplish the ideal total compensation = (1,053,000 + 585,000 + 117,000)/0.52 = $ 3,375,000. Deals for every product offerings are as per the following: hors d'oeuvres = (3,375,000 * 0.25) = $ 843,750; Main courses = (3,375,000 * 0.25) = $ 843,750; Desserts = (3,375,000 * 0.1) = $ 337,500; and Beverages = (3,375,000 * 0.4) = $ 1,350,000 (DuBrin 208-212). The fixed cost will be $ 1,638,000. Be that as it may, the new commitment edge = (0.15 * 0.5) + (0.5 * 0.1) + (0.1 * 0.5) + (0.25 *0. 8) = 0.375. The business level to accomplish the ideal net gain = (1,053,000 + 585,000 + 117,000)/0.375 = $ 4,680,000. Deals for every product offerings are as per the following: canapés = (4,680,000 * 0.15) = $ 702,000; Main courses = (4,680,000 * 0.5) = $ 2,340,000; Desserts = (4,680,000 * 0.1) = $ 468,000; and Beverages = (4,680,000 * 0.25) = $ 1,170,000 (DuBrin 208-212). This procedure builds the degree of deals to accomplish the ideal overall gain of $ 117,000. An expected hazard to this methodology is the inability to meet the business level ($ 4,680,000). Then again, the procedure has a bit of leeway of expanding the cafés incomes. An organization that utilizes physical work in the creation framework encounters the accompanying cost pool: wages to low maintenance and full-time worker, the commitment to an annuity plan, representative enrollment expenses, and good peril cost. Then again, the robotized hardware framework bears the accompanying cost pools: machine procurement costs, gear upkeep costs, pay to IT expert, machine substitution and deterioration costs. Changing from difficult work creation framework to a robotized gear framework changes the expense above named

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Carpe Diem Seizing the Day Essay example -- essays research papers

Carry on with a Full Life or Not, the Choice is Yours Somewhere in the range of 2000 years prior a Roman artist was chatting with his vampy companion, Vladimir Longtoothski about his strange phengophobia. â€Å"Vlad,† Horace the Geek started, â€Å"I acknowledge you’re an animal of the night however you have to enjoy some sunshine, man. You’ve been looking somewhat pale recently, you have to get your blood bubbling and get some shading in your cheeks.† Exasperated with Vlad’s nightowl presence, Horace the Geek expressed, â€Å"Seize the day, Vlad!† â€Å"Bloody great prompt,† reacted the sharp Vlad. Also, for the following 2000 years, instructors wherever urged their understudies to expound on the significance of holding onto the day on the off chance that you need to live every day without limit. So look at the accompanying seizures. The year: 1959. The spot: Welton Academy. It’s a severe private academy run with military accuracy practically like Harlingen’s Marine Military Academy or the La Joya ROTC program. Energetic to the outrageous, free thinker English educator John Keating urges his understudies to defy the guidelines, to break with convention, to separate their normal life, and dre...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Fear of Vulnerability and Learning to Trust Again

Fear of Vulnerability and Learning to Trust Again Phobias Types Print Fear of Vulnerability and Learning to Trust Again By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 18, 2019 Caiaimage/John Wildgoose/Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment In This Article Table of Contents Expand From Openness to Closing Off Playing Both Sides From Protecting to Forgiving Embracing Imperfection How to Love Yourself Battling Fear of Vulnerability View All Back To Top The fear of vulnerability is arguably one of the most common fears of all.?? Through my clinical experience, here are some of the ways that I have come to understand this central emotional challenge. From Openness to Closing Yourself Off As small children, we are open and free, sharing all of ourselves with others. As we grow and mature, however, we learn that the world can be a very painful place. We learn that not everyone is on our side, and not all situations are going to go our way. Over time, then, we also learn to protect ourselves. We build walls around our hearts, we convince ourselves that we never really loved that person who hurt us anyway, and we become practiced in the art of denial. Even worse, we begin to believe and internalize negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves.?? As we search for answers to lifes hurts, we often begin to believe that we were responsible for them. Playing Both Sides: Protecting Yourself with Destructive Behavior Although these steps are normal and natural, they are also self-defeating. It is important to learn from past mistakes  and to always strive for personal growth. However, it is equally important to learn to forgive your own lapses. How often are you quick to forgive someone elses mistake, or even truly bad behavior, while continuing to beat yourself up for a mistake that you made? Likewise, building walls create a safe space into which you can quickly retreat, but it also blocks the flow of energy and love in both directions. It is easy to become trapped behind your own emotional defenses, unable to give or receive positive emotions as well as negative ones. This, in turn, leaves many people feeling isolated and alone. The fear of vulnerability often leads people to inadvertently cause pain to others. People with this fear often become distancers, using well-honed methods to keep others at arms length. Some become intentionally buried in work, school, or other activities. Some simply disappear at the first sign that a relationship is becoming intimate. Still, others perform an elaborate dance of push and pull, drawing in a potential partner only to pull away emotionally when the other person gets too close, then drawing that person back in once distance has been reestablished. From Protecting to Forgiving Yourself The fear of vulnerability is ultimately a fear of rejection or abandonment.?? You have been hurt before, so you seek to minimize the risk of being hurt again. However, the best way to minimize the potential damage is not to build walls or try to act according to some self-created checklist. Instead, the solution is counter-intuitive. To combat the fear of vulnerability, you must first learn to love and accept your whole, authentic self. Loving ourselves is one of the toughest lessons we will ever face. We all have flaws, imperfections, embarrassing stories, and past mistakes we wish we could forget. We are insecure, awkward, and desperately wishing we could change certain things. Thats human nature. But the trick is to realize that everyone feels this way. No matter how successful, how beautiful, how perfect someone appears, he or she has the very same awkwardness, insecurity, and self-doubt.?? Embracing Imperfection Think of the most dynamic person you know, the one who always knows just what to say or do, who has the perfect outfit for every occasion and can simultaneously juggle a baby and a briefcase while standing on the subway. What if he or she said something dumb? Would you hold a grudge? What if that person snapped at you? Would you find that unforgivable? Of course not. You understand that others are imperfect, that they have good days and bad days, that they have flaws and blind spots and moments of weakness. But thats not what you remember them for. You remember their triumphs and shining moments and love and light. So why treat yourself any differently? Why beat yourself up for the things that you easily and quickly forgive in others? Why do you automatically assume that others will judge you more harshly than you judge them? How to Reduce Negative Self-Talk for a Better Life How to Love Yourself To learn to love yourself, begin by acknowledging yourself as a whole human being, flaws, imperfections and all. Own and embrace your past mistakes, but realize that they dont define your present or your future.?? Apologize to anyone you feel you have significantly wronged, and then move on. Forgive yourself. Moving forward, try to live by a few simple truths: You Are Important: Like George Bailey in Its a Wonderful Life, the simple fact that you exist has a ripple effect beyond your imagination. You may never truly know whose lives you have touched, and what the repercussions may be, but they are there all the same.Embrace Your Dark Side: Not only do your mistakes make you human, but they give you a wealth of experiences to draw on when helping others. Using your past for good is one of the strongest ways to connect with your entire self.Stop Trying to Prove Your Value: Humans, especially those with a fear of vulnerability, are always trying to show how worthwhile we are. We worry that if we dont somehow earn our keep, people will stop caring for us. Invariably, we get exactly what were unconsciously asking for: a string of people interested in what we can give instead of who we are. To turn this around, offer the most precious gift of allâ€"yourselfâ€"rather than trying to be all things to all people. That doesnt mean you should stop per forming kindnesses for others, but make offerings based in love rather than fear or self-judgment. Battling Fear of Vulnerability As you truly learn to accept and love yourself, you will find it easier and easier to show true vulnerability. If your sense of self-worth is strong, then you will no longer need others to define it or prop it up for you.?? You will be able to walk away from those who treat you with disrespect and attract those who treat you well. However, getting from here to there is never easy. Professional assistance is often required, particularly if your fear is deep-seated and long-lasting. Many people seek the advice of a respected mental health professional, while others find solace in spiritual counseling. Whatever path you choose, finding freedom from the fear of vulnerability is a truly life-changing experience.